Bukit Brown Wayfinder
Teamwork with Genine Loo,
as part of Studio Sonder
as part of Studio Sonder
The Bukit Brown Wayfinder is a self-guided trail along 25 tombs in Blocks 1 and 3 of the Bukit Brown Cemetery. It is made up of the wayfinding system, together with a electronic publication that allows the visitor to go on a self guided tour of the Bukit Brown Cemetery to uncover the history and heritage buried in one of Singapore’s largest and last-remaining cemeteries.

Information board at the starting point of the trail.

Signage providing information on the tombs.

One of the route markers along the trail.

VIPs on the opening day of the trail, including Minister Desmond Lee.

Colour of wayfinding signages was inspired by the trees in Bukit Brown; sample route markers were brought on site for testing.

Route markers have to be placed strategically along the route, in order to use the minimal number, to keep costs low, while still maintaining the effectiveness of navigation.

Placement of route markers has to be tested out over the whole trail, with setting up of testing units done on our own.

The guide is a 117 page document, that provides a comprehensive guide to the 25 tombs on the trail, as well as background and information to the heritage of the Bukit Brown Cemetery and is designed to be used as a companion guide to the signages that are on the site itself.
Comment from a guide user:
The Wayfinder is definitely useful. […] The map in the
Wayfinder is easy to follow […] Overall, the Wayfinder
is really informative and made up the “learning” part in our
learning journey.