Bukit Brown Wayfinder

Teamwork with Genine Loo,
as part of Studio Sonder

The Bukit Brown Wayfinder is a self-guided trail along 25 tombs in Blocks 1 and 3 of the Bukit Brown Cemetery. It is made up of the wayfinding system, together with a electronic publication that allows the visitor to go on a self guided tour of the Bukit Brown Cemetery to uncover the history and heritage buried in one of Singapore’s largest and last-remaining cemeteries.

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Information board at the starting point of the trail.
Signage providing information on the tombs.
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One of the route markers along the trail.
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VIPs on the opening day of the trail, including Minister Desmond Lee.
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Colour of wayfinding signages was inspired by the trees in Bukit Brown; sample route markers were brought on site for testing.
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Route markers have to be placed strategically along the route, in order to use the minimal number, to keep costs low, while still maintaining the effectiveness of navigation.
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Placement of route markers has to be tested out over the whole trail, with setting up of testing units done on our own.
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The guide is a 117 page document, that provides a comprehensive guide to the 25 tombs on the trail, as well as background and information to the heritage of the Bukit Brown Cemetery and is designed to be used as a companion guide to the signages that are on the site itself.

Comment from a guide user:

The Wayfinder is definitely useful. […] The map in the
Wayfinder is easy to follow […] Overall, the Wayfinder
is really informative and made up the “learning” part in our
learning journey.

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